Demand Retired MWD and CWD K9's Receive Health Care Benefits
HR 5081 K-9 Hero Act of 2019. Please keep 'nudging' your Representative to co-sponsor and/or support. We must not forget the forgotten veteran K-9's. They need human's to speak up for retirement health benefits! This is a non-partisan issue. These K-9's were drafted into military service. They did not have a choice!! HR 5081 will help reimbursement to those that adopt MWD K9's. Such will discharge financial burden currently placed on MWD (Military Working Dogs) and CWD (Civilian Working Dogs) families and non profit orgs that adopt and/or care for these veterans. By the way it is my understanding that CWD may do the same duties as MWD in war zones. Only difference is MWD are part of Defense Department and CWD are civilian contractors. We need to take care of these retired veterans K9's.
Further, Thank you all for your signing on. Please share and encourage others to sign on as well. I received a suggestion that it would be helpful to have each of us send a message to our voting district House representatives. Also when it arrives at the Senate to message our Senators 'that organizations that receive funding use at least 70% of ALL donations toward their work. One org in the mix only gives 11 cents on the $1! It is a violation of the public trust. Page 10 of the publicly available IRS FORM 990 is all you need to know this. It DOES NOT MATTER what an org SAYS they give to their work, the 990 removes all the nonsense and shows the REAL TRUTH. Lets make sure the money is used for benefit of retired K9's and not in pocket of the organization. If you read the HR 5081 at Congressional website you will understand further.
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