The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) uses a Roadside Vegetation Control Program to help manage vegetation. One part of this program is spraying a mixture of Herbicides and Pesticides.
Residents and commuters of Washtenaw County want the WCRC to end the use of synthetic herbicides and pesticides along our roads. Herbicides and Pesticides kill native plants and wildflowers that support our declining bee and butterfly populations. Herbicides and Pesticides are linked to various health problems and diseases in humans and animals.
The "Green City" of Ann Arbor and all of Washtenaw County want a natural and Organic approach to road maintenance. A great solution would be developing a Wildflower Planting Roadside Project like Ohio is using. Its saving Taxpayers MILLIONS in mowing fees and keeping road maintance cost down. We don't want toxic chemicals sprayed. Period.
The Herbicides used by the WCRC, Tordon K, Escort and NU-Film-IR, are synthetic chemicals which are harmful to humans, animals and insects.
This information listed below is taken directly from the Washtenaw County Road Commission website. See links for the full safety data sheets.
Tordon K, is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29CFR1910.1200. The Dow Agrosciences LLC Safety Data Sheet states that this chemical has an acute toxicity to fish, aquatic invertebrates, algae/aquatic plants, soil-dwelling organisms. Under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 Title III (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986) Section 311 and 312,Tordon Kis an Acute Health Hazard. The United States TSCA Inventory and Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act states that this chemical is a PESTICIDE product registered by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Escort is an Herbicide. The DuPont Escort XP Herbicide Safety Data Sheet lists the following Toxicological information: GeneticDamage in cultured mammalian cells was observed in some laboratory tests. Ecological Dangers are: Environmental Hazards to surface water and areas below the high water mark. It is also listed as a Marine Pollutant.
NU-Film-IR Ecological Information: Ecotoxicity damages vegetation and contaminates waterways, which could kill fish. Prevent spread of runoff into drains, storm sewers and ditches that lead to waterways. Toxicity Data: Eye, dermal and oral side effects.
We the people that live here and commute to Washtenaw County have the opportunity to protect our families, wildlife and the environment from these dangerous Herbicides and Pesticides, but we can't do it without you. Please show your support for a greener Organic approach to road maintenance by signing and sharing this petition.
The spraying is scheduled to begin this SUMMER 2019, starting with Webster, Dexter, Lyndon, Sylvan, and Lima Townships.
Read about the Ohio Wildflower Planting Project below.
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