Stop Over-Development on Bulow Creek
The communities of Flagler County and the City of Flagler Beach are facing an eminent threat of over-development by a Developer who has proposed to change the Future Land Use maps in order to allow for a MEGA-Development of over 3,900 units that would bring an astounding 8,000-10,000 population increase AND a 510,000 sq. ft commercial complex on both sides of an environmentally and historically sensitive area along the northern section of scenic John Anderson Highway.
If the Flagler County Commission and the Flagler Beach City Commission approve this Monster Development the whole area would be radically changed forever. The headwaters of Bulow Creek (a class 2 primitive canoe/kayak trail) and the pristine Graham Swamp Drainage would no longer support this unique natural Florida eco-system. Manatees, otters, alligators, Rosetta spoonbill, rare white pelicans, and the great blue heron all thrive there. The game fish tidal marsh nursery would be diminished, if not destroyed. The Big Developer would make the Bulow Creek Headwaters the site of multi-family high-rise Condo's and Apartments. The small/quaint little beach town would become just another over-crowded junky beach city. The huge beach crowd would render the endangered turtle nesting grounds hostile and unsuitable for the sea turtles to lay their eggs. The Flagler County and Flagler Beach infrastructure, roads, safety, fire, police, health services and schools cannot support the planned triple population increase. HIGHER TAXES always follow mega growth! WE will do the work, but we need VOLUNTEERS and MONEY for signs, public info, media coverage, advertisements, flyers, lawyers and RELATED expenses. We are already spending thousands of dollars. Soon, the Developer will notify a very few (not most) nearby property owners of a "community meeting/town hall" seeking public approval. Come and be heard! The Flagler Planning Board and Flagler County Commission will also hold a public meeting for public comment soon. WATCH for notices and bring your friends. PLEASE JOIN US, THE FIGHT IS ON!!!
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