Hello 👋,
Bees are extremely important to the ecosystems of the Earth. If the bees went extinct, it would only be a matter of time, perhaps even only a few years, before humans went extinct, too. If the bees were to die out, we would die out, too. If bees went extinct, the results on other creatures would be catastrophic. If humans went extinct, most other creatures and many native wild plants would benefit very much.
Bees are probably sentient beings (bee-ings?), too. That is why I think it is absolutely disgusting that there are still bee exterminators who kill bees as part of their job. I know that bee exterminators know to distinguish between beneficial and "harmful" bees, but ALL bee species should be protected. If necessary, non-native ones should be either taken in captivity or sent back to where their species originates from, if possible. Who are we to decide who gets to live and who dies? We humans are by far the worst species for the planet EVER. We should not accuse other animals, including grey squirrels, seagulls, rats, non-native bees, non-native birds like parakeets in the UK, of being v***** or blame them for harming our native wildlife (however true that may be). If it weren't for humans, most of those species would not be (bee?) there in the first place. As such, the problems brought on by non-native species are mostly our fault, not theirs. They're just minding their own business and wanting to survive. They probably don't realise they're doing anything wrong.
It is absolutely awful that there are bee species who are not protected by law and that they are dying because of us humans!!! It is inexcusable to unnecessarily, intentionally take the life of another sentient being just because we don't like them, just because they're a danger to us or other animals when they could be relocated instead.
Please outlaw ALL bee extermination and protect ALL bee species NOW!!!!!
Thank you 😊.