Allow first cousins to marry in Utah

My first cousin and I have been in love with each other our whole lives but we are prohibited from marrying in the state of Utah where we live. We married in the nearest legal state, Colorado on March 4, 2019. We believe that the law is outdated and needs to be changed to accommodate us. We have created this petition to gather signatures that we can present to our local lawmakers and request a change. Even if they simply decriminalize sex between cousins like 42 other states in America, or allow marriage with the stipulation that cousins must have favorable genetic testing results, please help us change the law!

Update #55 years ago
Hello supporters! We are currently seeking genetic prenatal testing before attempting to conceive a child of our own in order to be aware of any risks of birth defects! In order to finance this testing we will need monetary assistance so we’ve created a go fund me campaign. You can access this campaign with this link:
Thank you!!!
Update #45 years ago
Our story will be featured on the U.S. tv show Dr. Phil on Thursday April 25. Here is a link to the preview:
We haven’t had any luck with our local legislators so far. If any Utah residents have the passion and the time, we would appreciate if you emailed any of the Utah senators. You can find their contact info at Thank you so much everyone for your continued support 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🧡💚⭐️
Update #35 years ago
We have refined our goal. We would like Utah voters to pass a bill that allows out-of-state marriages to be legally recognized. We believe that a smaller, more feasible, step like this will be more successful. LDS church members make up the majority of Utah voters and we know that the LDS church heavily advocates for families. We have faith that they will step up and support our cause for our family.
Update #26 years ago
After yesterday’s local news report, our story got the attention of national and international networks! I had a phone interview with CBS and the New York Daily News and messages from with questions. We want to thank you again for your signatures and support! We see a wonderful change happening, and you are part of it! Every one of you has made a difference for us, even if you don’t know us personally, and it means so much to our family!
Update #16 years ago
Our petition got the attention of our local news station and we’re being interviewed today! Thank you all again for being our first supporters! Please share this petition with your friends so that we can make this goal a reality!
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