Please urgently sign this petition by Colonel Hershel Scott Morgan (Ret.) and his wife, Carol Morgan, to demand North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission not to allow bear hunting on sanctuary lands.
On Thursday, January 20th at 7:00 p.m., there will be a virtual public hearing on a new bear hunting proposal from the NCWRC. This proposal will allow hunting in three bear sanctuaries in Western North Carolina, including Panthertown, Pisgah, and Standing Indian Bear Sanctuary. The Commission sites "overpopulation" and "dangerous human-bear interactions" as reasoning. đĄ This is false reasoning!!
"A sanctuary, according to the dictionary, is a place that provides 'safety or protection', it should not be interchangeable with profit and provided under the guise of population management."
These sanctuaries are sanctuaries for a reason. They should be a safe place for bear populations that are so important not only to our region but the whole country. Our bear ecosystem is strained enough carrying the weight of poaching without the added stress of more lax hunting regulations. Black bears are one of the safest parts of our lives, and as usual, the commission is spouting false information, saying that black bears are dangerous or are
a problem that needs managed by death!
"Bears are typically peaceful and sentient creatures, we are the ones taking more of their homeland away and are guilty of placing them in this predicament. Young male bears seek territory as they grow out of adolescence and will travel many miles to seek sanctuary. Sanctuary being the operative word. The 'population management' objective set forth by the NC Wildlife Commission is a way for them to earn extra cash from trophy hunters and will not eradicate the issues of how we deal with bear interactions long-term. There were over 1,200 bears 'harvested' this past season, when will enough be enough?"
Please sign to show you are against, and are displeased by, this ludicrous proposal set forth by NCWRC. HAB will forward the petition and signatures to NCWRC prior to the virtual meeting.
Please sign and share to all you can and please join the virtual meeting on January 20, 2022 to put forth all effort to make sure this is stopped. Thank you for being the bears' voices!!!!