Matthew Morrison's New Movie Abused Dog on Set!

  • by: Rebecca G.
  • recipient: Matthew Morrison, Dirty Monkey Film Group, and the cast of Crazy Alien.

The leaked video is hard to watch. A scared German Shepherd is locked into a metal cage that's hoisted over 20-feet in the air by a crane — then spun in frantic circles before plunging into a freezing river. The caged dog was submerged in the icy water for 8 terrifying seconds before the director finally yells "Cut!"

This horrific footage of alleged animal abuse during a stunt was leaked to PETA from a whistleblower on set of a new Chinese science fiction movie, called Crazy Alien, starring Glee actor Matthew Morrison.

The whistleblower wrote "On November 28th, 2017, I witnessed first hand one of the worst animal cruelty acts I have ever seen...The director took many takes and this was just awful to witness as the torment went on."

We simply can't tolerate this type of abuse. Dogs should never be forced to endure such dangerous and cruel circumstances for our entertainment. That's why PETA and other groups are calling for the film to be boycotted by animal lovers until the cast and production company do the right thing. 

Sign the petition echoing PETA's call that this horrific scene be removed and that the film's cast, including Matthew Morrison, donate their salaries to animal-protection charities in China.

Morrison was not on set when the stunt was filmed and has spoken out publicly against the alleged abuse, tweeting "Had I been on set or known about this, I would have made all efforts to stop this."

Sign the petition to call on Matthew Morrison and other actors in Crazy Alien to put their money where their mouth is and do more! Tell them to donate their salaries to animal welfare groups in China and make sure this cruel scene is NOT included in the final movie. 

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