Animal Welfare Fortnight begins: Restoration of five freedoms - Sukanya Berwal

Animal Welfare Fortnight begins with the following demands including Introduction of National Gauchar Development Board:


  1. Animal Welfare Board of India directed to the Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, to establish SPCA as per the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Establishment and Regulation of Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Rules, 2001 vide their letter No. 9-1/2017-18/PCA Dated March 5, 2018 and so on, copies attached as ready references. Establish and Gazette Notified the Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, as per section 3 (1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Establishment and Regulation of Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Rules, 2001 keeping in view the orders passed in the W.P.(C) No. 000440 / 2000 and CWP No. 309 of 2003 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, and CWP 18098 of 2006 by the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court.
  2. Cattle Breeding Policy, 2018 along with the Haryana Code of Minimum Standards of processes and procedures MSPs for gaushalas clarified mechanism be implemented, monitored as well, orders for status reports of every animal shelter.
  3. Orders under section 49(1) of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002: Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Act, the State Biodiversity Board shall, in the discharge of its functions and duties under this Act, be bound by such directions on questions of policy as the State Government may give in writing to it from time to time, hence animal scanner be installed at every toll tax barriers and animal & birds can be shifted in the vehicles approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards, ensuring the compliance of the Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Act, 2009 introducing Biodiversity Management Committee as per section 41 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
  4. All unlawful and illegal slaughter houses cum meat shops needs to be crack down, keeping in view the duties and functions of the District Committee for Slaughter Houses, Department of Urban and Local Bodies.
  5. License may kindly be granted to the eligible applicant to run their business to trade legally slaughtered animals and birds at licensed slaughter house, keeping in view the demand of meat consumption installing animal scanner at toll tax barriers.
  6. All stray dogs and Cats may kindly be sterilized and vaccinated against Rabies, to protect their five freedoms along the removal of public nuisance and threat on public life.
  7. All stray monkeys may kindly be rescued and rehabilitated in their natural habitat.
  8. Status reports on the proper functioning of SPCA along with Infirmaries as per section 35 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 in the area, restoring five freedoms of the animals, reviewing the annual progress reports.
  9. All stray animals are rescued for further rehabilitation, establishing Cattle Pond at every village, keeping in view the decision conveyed of the Govt. of Haryana to all concerned.
  10. Status reports along with white paper on the Advisories issued under section 9 (k) for Educational purposes along with the Regulations as issued under section 10 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, keeping in view the section 3, 11 (3) and 27, 28, 29 and 35 of the said Act, preparing animal abusers registry to identify the offenses against animals.
  11. Annual Confidential reports of all concerned field functionaries, needs to be evaluate as per theirperformances towards article 51 A (g) of Indian constitution.
  12. Exclude animals and birds from the definition of "Goods", restoring their five freedoms as they have feelings and life, preventing misuse of oxytocin for lactation along with status reports on the strict compliance of all rules and regulations, made out under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
  13. All unused bore wells be eliminated and crack down.
  14. Remove encroachments and public nuisance from the Gauchar land, supply required information's to AWBI.
  15. Any other orders deems fit.
Update #16 years ago
Thanx a ton for supporting Animal Welfare Fortnights in India, by tomorrow I am going to deliver the petition to the Animal Welfare Board of India, duly compiled with your signatures, please ask your friends to support the cause, so their signature can be delivered, restoring five freedoms of animals.


Naresh Kadyan with Abhishek Kadyan, Mrs. Suman Kadyan from Canada along with Mrs. Sukanya Berwal from Ahmadabad.
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