Accidental Email Reveals Routine Euthanasia of Healthy Greyhounds in Victoria

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Victorian Parliament and Greyhound Racing Victoria

In an industry veiled in secrecy, a shocking revelation has emerged about Victoria's greyhound racing: healthy, young dogs are being euthanized without attempts at treatment or rehoming. An accidental email, intended for a greyhound trainer but mistakenly sent to a rescue group, has exposed this disturbing practice.

Sign the petition to urge Victorian parliament to pass the Animal Justice party's motion to force Greyhound Racing Victoria to disclose detailed, specific reasons for each off-track death.

This issue came to light when a 12-month-old greyhound with a suspected but unconfirmed fracture was put down without the option of x-rays or medical care – simply because the dog was no longer economically viable. 

Tragically, this is not the only incident of this happening. Victorian Racing Tribunal's investigations have uncovered similar stories, where dogs with treatable conditions were euthanized, without any real attempt to find them new homes.

The current reporting by Greyhound Racing Victoria misleadingly categorizes these incidents, obscuring the true fate of these animals from the public eye. The annual reports fail to provide detailed reasons for euthanasia, masking the routine disposal of healthy dogs that no longer serve the industry's profit motives.

Sign the petition to demand parliament pass the motion to force Greyhound Racing Victoria to be more transparent and accountable, saving greyhounds lives in the process.

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