June 4th, 2019, the ARM Investigations revealed disturbing footage of what they describe as the WORST neglect, abuse, torture of NEWBORN calfs they have ever seen. This out of Fair Oaks Farm in Indiana. In addition to the physical abuse and death of the baby calves, the mothers that they've been ripped away from are so upset that they are crying for their babies until their voices were gone. As if that wasn't enough, Fair Oaks Farms is in bed with the veal industry. So if the baby calves are not murdered before they get to the veal farm, they shortly will be. This farm & it's 'owners' pride themselves on statements like "transparency with the public". After the investigators videos were released, their only recourse has been to terminate a few employees. They barely touched on the narcotics abuse happening or their lack of drug screening of employees. IT IS NOT enough!! What about the mother cows crying for their babies?! In what world is it humane to RIP away newborn calves from their mothers?
Coca-Cola's in bed with Fair Oaks Farm. Coca-Cola needs to make a public statement ENDING all transactions with Fair Oaks Farms. Fair Oaks Farms needs to be shut down until they can do more to prevent cruelty!! Until they can establish fair & humane practices of ALL animals on their properties!
State and federal investigators need to show up & fine this company & any & all employees who are aware and/or participating in these erroneous, disgusting behaviors.
Contact your state representative to get better laws inacted that would protect farm animals from such abuse! STOP purchasing Coca Cola products & dairy products from big industries!! If you must buy meat & dairy, do so from local farmers that you can know. Let's stand together & end the cruelty to animals at Fair Oaks Farms & get justice for these animals!