Save the World's Smallest Living Elephants From Extinction

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Malaysian and Indonesian Governments

In tragic news, the Borneo pygmy elephant – the smallest living elephant – is teetering on the brink of extinction. With only about 1,000 of these majestic creatures left in the wild, urgent action is necessary. Deforestation, human-wildlife conflict, and increasing agricultural pressures threaten their survival. While the Malaysian and Indonesian governments have plans to help these elephants, we must encourage them to ramp up their conservation efforts to safeguard these irreplaceable animals!

Sign this petition to urge increased protection for Borneo's elephants!

Borneo's elephants are losing their homes and lives at an alarming rate. In just four decades, 60% of their forest habitat has been destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations, timber extraction, and sprawling infrastructure projects like the Pan Borneo Highway. As their space dwindles, these gentle giants wander into human territories, often leading to deadly conflicts.

By implementing robust conservation strategies, enhancing legal protections, and fostering community-led wildlife management programs, we can ensure a future for the Bornean elephant. This includes strict anti-poaching measures, habitat restoration, and sustainable land-use policies that balance ecological and human needs. Your support can drive the Malaysian and Indonesian governments to take decisive action. 

Sign the petition to urge these governments to commit to comprehensive and immediate conservation actions for Borneo's elephants!

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