Demand that the decision to hunt bobcats in NH be overturned!

On February 17, 2016 the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission decided to make the hunting and trapping of bobcats legal in the state of New Hampshire. The ruling was passed by a 5-4 vote, despite an overwhelming opposition by the general public.

Studies have been done to determine the population of these cats are estimated to be anywhere from 800 to 1200. We should bear in mind that as of 1989 the approximate number in the state was about 200.

Bobcats are not a viable food source; this "hunt" will be strictly for the purpose of sport killing. Trapping is also permitted under this law, which is cruel and inhumane. There are different types of traps, including foothold traps, where the cats are left for up to 24 hours with their foot clamped before being shot in the head with a 22.-caliber gun. Animals have been known to chew off their own legs when trapped with footholds just to escape.

By an admission from the UNH bobcat study, 'the resurgence of bobcats in New Hampshire likely has little impact on the ecosystem; they will never reach a density level where they could become a pest the way deer, for instance, have."  So then, why?

Aren't we better than this? To kill or torture a creature just for the egomaniac sport of it all? For no other reason but for bragging rights?

Please sign this petition to tell NH Fish and Game that this is NOT acceptable. Let's let our magnificent bobcats LIVE! Thank you and please share this plea with all your friends .

On February 17, 2016 you decided to make the hunting and trapping of bobcats legal in the state of New Hampshire. The ruling was passed by a 5-4 vote, despite an overwhelming opposition by the general public.

Studies have been done to determine the population of these cats are estimated to be anywhere from 800 to 1200. We should bear in mind that as of 1989 the approximate number in the state was about 200. 

Bobcats are not a viable food source ; this "hunt" will be strictly for the purpose of sport killing. Trapping is also permitted under this law, which is cruel and inhumane. There are different types of traps, including foothold traps, where the cats are left for up to 24 hours with their foot clamped before being shot in the head with a 22.-caliber gun. Animals have been known to chew off their own legs when trapped with footholds just to escape. 

By an admission from the UNH bobcat study, 'the resurgence of bobcats in New Hampshire likely has little impact on the ecosystem; they will never reach a density level where they could become a pest the way deer, for instance, have."  So then, why?

Aren't we better than this ..... to kill or torture a creature just for the egomaniac sport of it all? No other reason but for bragging rights?

It is NOT acceptable to allow the hunting and trapping of bobcats in the state of New Hampshire. Please let our magnificent bobcats LIVE!!
Update #38 years ago
Breaking news from the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules hearing on the bobcat proposal, from the Harris Center's James Newsom: "JLCAR just unanimously objected to the proposed bobcat hunt. More to come on what to do next, but F&G Commissioners will review the proposal again, as will the F&G Committees in both the House and Senate."

YAY !!!! and thank you !!!
Update #28 years ago
This petition has been sent to reps. of The Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules . Their meeting is on Friday, April 1st at 9 a.m. at the NH Statehouse , 107 N. Main St. Concord NH. If you are a NH resident and would like to make your voice heard in person, I strongly urge you to attend. The fight is not over yet and the hunters and trappers must not prevail .......

thank you.
Update #19 years ago
Many thanks to all who have signed...... keep this petition gong ! We've received over 500 signatures in 15 hours !!!! Great job, folks !!
There is no reason to kill a bobcat and our legislators need to know that we do not stand with their decision !!
Thank you, thank you !!!
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