The most common tests rabbits endure are the Draize Eye & Skin tests. They hold them in full body restraints so that cosmetics, dishwashing liquid, drain cleaner, and other substances can be dropped in their eyes or spread on their shaved and scraped skin.The restraint stops the bunnies from pawing at their eyes or back to relieve the discomfort and so interfere with the experiment. This experiments cause redness, swelling, discharge, ulceration, hemorrhaging, cloudiness, cracking and bleeding or/and blindness AND IT'S NOTORIOUSLY UNRELIABLE, producing highly variable results. Rabbits are killed after the experiment is over.
This is animal cruelty and not humane to treat animals this way. Nobody can completely understand what they go through and how they are singled out due to their breed which is wrong.
Remember, when you buy a cream and lipstick from these companies, you pay salaries to sadists who torture animals. The European Union has long banned the testing of products on animals, as it is not expedient and ineffective! Now there are 2 alternative ways of developing IT and cellular technologies. That allows you to test any product not on living beings and get a reliable, more accurate result. DO NOT pay for violence!
We need to stand out and take action!
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I encourage you to sign this petition and stop Animal Testing!