Improper termination of Employee Nicholas Trew
Recent changes have been made to the front of house staff within the Windsor House building. Although there was a 3 month trial period for the contract of Nicholas Trew we believed that his contract has been terminated without good reason. Nick was the only interactive team member towards the residents of the halls and if anything, deserved to be promoted rather than let go. The Winsor House residents are all amazed at how the staff have been organised and are outraged with the results. Nick was the only member of staff within Windsor House who actually organised activities for the residents to take part in during the evenings. This meant that we did not spend excessive amounts of money going out and instead enjoyed each others company in our own home. I speak on behalf of all Windsor House residents when I say we are all disheartened and unimpressed with the decision you have chosen to make. Nicholas Trew is the most respected staff member within Windsor House and this meant that all residents were comfortable and happy within their own home. It is astonishing that you have let go of your most loyal staff member and that we all have to deal with the result of this.
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