Hello everyone ,
I have started this petition following the euthanasia of my beautiful German Shepherd named Lexi by intra cardiac euthanasia.
Lexi was euthanised on April the 18th 2023 by intra cardiac euthanasia fully conscious. It was horrific -- Lexi suffered excruciating pain and distress in her final hours. It was deeply distressing and traumatising to witness.
It is a very cruel, painful, distressing and undignified way for any animal to die.
I am am calling on Niamh Muldoon registrar and CEO of the Veterinary Council of Ireland to make it mandatory that all animals euthanised by intra cardiac injection must be anesthetised. Failure to do so must be punishable by disciplinary action.
We do not want any animal to suffer the horrific painful death that Lexi did. Intra cardiac injection euthanasia without anesthesia does not belong in a civilised society.
Intra cardiac euthanasia also known as heart stick is where a syringe with a long needle filled with sodium pentobarbital must puncture several thick muscles and tissue to reach the heart. It is extremely painful and distressing on a conscious animal and much slower as a conscious frightened animal that is in excruciating pain fights the effects.
In honour of Lexi and all other animals that were euthanised by such cruel, inhumane, barbaric means PLEASE sign this petition, share amongst friends, pages and animal welfare groups.
Thank you.
Update #5about a year ago
Good Afternoon everybody ,
Just a quick update for all information on Lexi story .
Please go to Marion O Riordan you tube subscribe if you wish
All future information and videos will be there .
Thank you all very much for all your support .
Update #4about a year ago
Hi Everyone ,
Just a quick update to thank everyone for their support , compassion and humanity .
I have a you tube channel .
Marion O Riordan you tube where I have shared my story about Lexi and where we are at .
Thanks again ,
Marion .
Update #3about a year ago
Good evening everyone ,
I sent a official complaint to the Veterinary Council of Ireland for gross professional misconduct .
After Lexi was brutally euthanised by heart stick / intra cardiac euthanasia .
The Veterinary Council of Ireland has confirmed the vet in question will NOT face disciplinary action
It is a very dark day for animal rights and welfare in Ireland .
Shame on the Veterinary Council of Ireland .
Animals are going to continue to suffer in Ireland !!!
Update #2about a year ago
Good Morning Everyone ,
Thank you so much for all the support both at home and abroad .
Thank you for helping raise awareness on intra cardiac euthanasia on conscious animals .
Thank you for being the voice for the voiceless .
We need urgent change in Ireland .
We need accountability and action animals are suffering .
Please continue to share on all social media platforms , pages and groups .
Thank you so much , Keep up the good work !
Update #1about a year ago
Hi ,
Good morning I hope this email finds you well ,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for signing this petition .
It is very much appreciated .
I am trying to bring change in Ireland so intra cardiac euthanasia is never preformed on a conscious animal !
If you could share this petition on any of your groups or social media platforms that would be very helpful in raising awareness to intra cardiac euthanasia as a lot of people have never heard of it .
Thank you so much .