Myrtle Beach SC- At a new development being built off of Hwy 544/ dick pond road off of Lake Park Drive - known as Lake Park Plantation- at least 17 geese were murdered and shot to suffer and die. This was for the shooters own pure joy while the family of birds suffered and died before they even knew they were being "hunted" and in danger.
If anyone has any information about the person(s) shooting geese in the new development on Lake Park Road off of 544 in Myrtle Beach please contact Joel Chanaca with SC DNR
No permit was issued for anyone on this property to legally kill geese. They recovered 17 bodies and one goose that was sinking in the water, still alive and suffering. He was taken to the vet for X-rays and had to be euthanized. 11 shot gun shells were found close by as well that will help aid in the investigation.
This is a legal issue that DNR is currently pursuing. Please do not trespass on the land where this is happening, as permission was only given to officials.
We demand harsher punishments for crimes and illegal acts that kill and destroy wildlife such as this. Horry County Police/DNR- we urge stricter fines and punishments for animal cruelty and want laws to be taken more seriously with harsher punishment !
Those who are responsible for this evil act must be found! We need your help to report any information on this investigation to DNR or your local
Police department.
Do you have a neighbor across from this new development that complains about geese ? Please let DNR know so they can be investigated. If you don't speak up, you may be interfering and holding back information with an investigation.
Do you have a Lot on this new land off Lake Park Plantation? Your future neighbor can be the murderer of this illegal and horrific act as well.
Builders, and construction workers, and those who have property nearby are likely the only ones on this land.
Please report Any information that will help find the heartless person(s) responsible for the murder of 17 geese.
More about geese: Canada geese are beautiful, intelligent birds who mate for life, fiercely protect their eggs and young, and display loyalty for other members of their flock.