Lloyd Maunder Butcher and Deli: Please Make the Switch and Become Exeter's 1st Vegan Butcher!

Did you know that there's evidence that cows have best friends? Did you know that pigs are more intelligent than dogs and are as intelligent as, if not more intelligent than, a three-year old human child?
Despite this, 2.6 million cattle and 10 million pigs, along with 14.5 million sheep, 80 million fish and 950 million birds, are brutally killed for their flesh to be served up as food right here in the UK. Despite being very sentient, highly intelligent beings who have families and are probably capable of love and forming bonds, most pigs are factory-farmed here in the UK.
On these factory farms, piglets have notches cut into their ears, have their tails cut and their teeth cut, and male piglets are castrated, all without a drop of anaesthetic. Mother sows spend a good portion of their lives pregnant and are confined to farrowing crates for at least some of their pregnancy and give birth to their piglets in there, unable to nuzzle and nurture their young, or even turn around. They just have to lie there acting as nothing more than a milk machine. The piglets are fattened and up and often injected with hormones. When the piglets are aged just around 5-8 months, they are taken and loaded onto slaughter trucks to be driven, sometimes for miles and miles, to the slaughterhouse, where they can scream in pain for up to 90 seconds inside gas chambers before being hoisted up, hung upside and have their throats cut.
Peaceful cattle are taken from the fields where they have been living happily and driven, sometimes for miles and miles, to a slaughterhouse, where they are bolt-gunned in the head, hung upside down and have their throats cut. If allowed, they could live for 15-20 years!
Dairy cattle suffer years of being forcibly impregnated by artificial insemination and then having their beloved calves taken away - the calves and mothers bellow and call out to each other in distress. The male calves are sometimes reared for veal and sent to slaughter when they just 6-12 months of age - if allowed, they could live for 18-22 years! Some of them are simply taken and shot, and then disposed of like rubbish. Worn-out mother cows who are no longer profitable to the dairy industry are slaughtered.
There is a lot of demand for vegan food. There are around six vegan eateries in Exeter. Most restaurants offer vegan options. The demand for vegan food has drastically increased over the last five years or so. The UK now has its first vegan butcher's and its first vegan cheese shop. There are now at least 600,000 vegans in the UK. A record half a million Brits signed up to Veganuary this year. 7.2 million Brits now follow a meat-free diet. 13 million Brits will be meat-free by the end of this year. Sainsbury's sales of vegan cheese surpassed the company's expectations by 300%. I, along with at least some of the many, many other vegans, vegetarians, pesceatarians and people reducing their meat consumption in Devon would buy from Lloyd Maunder's, if they became a 100% vegan butcher's. Why would you not want the honour of being Exeter's First 100% vegan butcher's (and Devon's first 100% vegan butcher's)? You could even get vegans, vegetarians, pesecatarians and those interested in reducing their meat consumption coming from outside of Devon just to buy and try your vegan products! Why would you not want to gain that kind of popularity and help save animals and the planet? You could even kindly ask that the farmers who supply the meat to your shops currently switch to growing organic soya and other organic crops, fruits and vegetables and then buy the vegan foods that they grow off of them, so you could still have a relationship with the farmers, and they could stay employed! You could even kindly ask that they turn their farms into sanctuaries, to look after and keep their current animals and save more animal lives!
Thank you.

Update #22 years ago
Thank you. Lloyd Maunder Butcher is now closed permanently.
Update #13 years ago
Please contact Lloyd Maunder to kindly urge them to become a 100% vegan butcher’s! Please be polite and kind when messaging them, no matter how angry you may be. We are more likely to persuade them to become a 100% vegan butcher’s, and thus achieve a big win for the animals, if we are polite…
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