Defenceless dogs in Canada are being used for barbaric experimentation.
Frightened Dogs are left isolated and alone in cold metal cages to endure incredible pain and suffering.Their life is short, euthanization is their only relief from months of intolerable pain. The dogs that don't collapse and die are repeatedly tested over and over. Many are fitted with catheters, infused jackets and cones which remain until they are euthanized. They live in a world of fear and cower in the corner of their cages.
Dog testing is needless and unethical. The use of dogs continues even though only 2% more information is obtained then through rodent testing. It is proven that dogs are poor predictors of drug effects in the body but are used because their trusting nature and submissiveness makes then easy to handle. Animal free testing using stem cells and computer technology is available and can be more accurate then the traditional unethical animal research.
Scientists have revealed that MRI data has concluded that dogs are feeling, sentimental creatures with intelligence of a 2.5 year old humane child.
Currently there is no federal legislation specifically regulating animal testing in Canada. Animals used in research are exempt from duty of care and/or prohibitions causing stress.
These dogs will never know freedom, security or love. Together we can stop thousands more dogs from this horrific demise.
Please watch this joint undercover investigation conducted between LCA and W5 of the ITR Laboratories in Montreal.
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