We want Mr. Noah Vaughn Atwood in the Daily Vlog Channel

Roman Atwood is a Vlogger who post daily on site called Youtube, he take daily videos of him and his kids. As well post Prank Videos. He's inspirational young adults, teenagers, parents, adults, all kind of age category's. But there's one problem his ex wife......

Shanna and Roman where together for 7 years ( November 17, 2001 to 2008. In that time on October 18, 2004 they had young boy named Noah Vaughn Atwood. Shanna cheated on Roman which led him to the divorce.

The Problem: The difficulty of getting along since they still share a son ( Noah Vaughn Atwood ) Shanna has spoken and removed Noah from the daily vlog channel. I wanna dedicate this petition on half of Atwood Family to get permission to allow Noah on the Channel. I wanna show to Shanna that Roman just not the only who hurt its the whole Roman Soilders Army.

Simile more Soilders look at how much hes done in the time hes been vlogging, lets give back and sign the petition which we can show Shanna How much shes impacting the world Right Now.

Roman God Bless You and your family #giveback #similemore

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