Return Spot the Dog to His Military Family

  • by: Rick Ansari
  • recipient: Tri County Animal Rescue Center

Ashley and Blake Lechner decided to give up their dog Spot after they learned the Army had assigned Blake to move to Korea in 2016 for about a year. Blake Lechner dropped the dog off at the Animal Control facility on Saturday afternoon.

The couple quickly changed their minds, but said they could not get in touch with Tri County Animal Rescue Center, which handles strays and surrenders for the base, until Monday.

The owners of Tri County posted a photo of Spot on their Facebook page to advertise him for adoption.  The organization does not claim Spot was abused or neglected, only that he was "sad". Return Spot to his military family now!

Do the right thing for this military family. Return Spot to the Lechner's immediately.

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