Nosey's Bill Needs Your Support ASAP!

  • by: Peter G
  • recipient: New Jersey State and Assembly Representitives

Nosey's Bill will be coming up for a vote in the New Jersey Assembly and State House this January. We need as many New Jersey residents to call their Legislators ASAP in order to support this Bill. As of the last update, this Bill will go to an Assembly vote on January 4th, 2018.

You can find Representative using the following link ....

Update #56 years ago
Hi Everyone,
Great news !!!! The New Jersey State Assembly's Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee voted in favor of bill (A1923) on May 17, 2018 !!! It is now scheduled to be up for a vote in the Senate on May 31, 2018. If it passes the Senate, it will then be sent to Governor Murphy's desk for his signature to become law. I will keep you updated.
Thank you all for supporting this petition !!
Update #47 years ago
As expected, outgoing Governor Christie vetoed the Bill. The Bill is being reintroduced as A1923. Once again, please call your Legislator and ask him/her to please support this Bill. The new Governor, Phil Murphy, looks like he will sign this bill once it get to his desk. To find your Legislator, please click on the following link ...
Thanks again for all of your support ! Without you, these animals would have no voice.
Update #37 years ago
I was just notified that though the Bill had overwhelmingly passed both the New Jersey Senate and Assembly, Gov. Christie has yet to sign the Bill into law. Please contact his office ASAP and tell them that you would like his support of this Bill (S2508) and sign it into law.
The contact info is below .....
Phone for Governor's office: 609-292-6000
Twitter: @GovChristie

Update #27 years ago
VICTORY !!!!! With the passage of Nosey’s Law, New Jersey becomes the first state in the U.S. to ban all wild animals in traveling circuses.
Thank you all for your support !!!!
Update #17 years ago
Thank you all for your support. Just a quick update. I spoke with Assemblyman Raj Mukherji's (the sponsor of this Bill) office on Jan 3rd, and the staff member told me that the New Jersey Senate already voted in favor of this Bill The Assembly was supposed to have voted on this Bill yesterday, January 4th, 2018. Due to a major snowstorm here in the Northeast, the vote may have been postponed until today (January 5th). I will keep you all updated as to the progress of this Bill
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