Margaret Kinsella drowned her defenseless dog to death!
Add your name if you agree that she deserves to be banned from ever owning a pet again.
All the poor little dog wanted was to give someone its love.
But this wicked animal abuser chose to kill him.
She mercilessly screamed as she held his head under water.
The poor dog whimpered in submission and writhed in agony as he begged her to spare his life.
Fortunately, a maintenance worker heard what was happening, and caught Kinsella red-handed.
He rushed into the bathroom, saw the poor dog's body floating in the bathtub, and did everything he could to save its life.
Alas, the helpless dog was dead. There was nothing he could do.
When police arrived, Kinsella confessed to her crime, according to USA Today.
A slap on the wrist isn't good enough.
It's time for real action against animal abusers like her.
Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.
That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress to ensure that convicted animal abusers are never allowed to own pets again.
Don't you think defeneseless animals need to be protected from vicious people who want to hurt them?
Then add your name to ask Senator Bernie Sanders to do what it takes to ensure animal abusers like Kinsella are never allowed to have a pet ever again.