Stop Beloved Men from Getting Beaten Up Before it's too Late

  • by: Alyssa Murray
  • recipient: News Corporations, the FBI, College campuses, & the BARCC

  Male victims of sexual violence are hardly ever reported to the news even though they make up over 9% of the sexual violence victims. The news, the FBI, and rape shelters should take male sex abuse victims more seriously for these unbelievable reasons.


  Men account for 80% of all the suicide victims  ( , and rape victims are four times more likely to commit suicide ( than individuals who are not victims. With men committing suicide more frequently than women, it only makes sense that there are more male rape victims than female rape victims. Men and boys are nearly 7 times less likely than women and girls ( to report sex abuse. Your much needed son, father, nephew, uncle, brother, boyfriend, and/or husband could easily commit suicide due to unreported sex abuse if action was not taken from this petition.

  The YouTube video above is just one of the very few reported male victims of sex abuse even though it happens more often than anyone could imagine. This news story is proof that men and boys could be victims of sex abuse as well as women and girls. Your son, father, nephew, uncle, or husband could be one of them. How would you feel do if you were that autistic teenage boy's (the victim in the Maryland newstory video) parent, grandparent, best friend, sibling, aunt, or uncle?    




  Did you know that only 9% of the reported rape victims are male, but 80% of suicide victims are men? With rape victims 4 times more likely to commit suicide than non-victims, the amount of men getting raped might be surprisingly high if they were reported and taken more seriously.


  Someone's much needed male family member or friend could commit suicide because of unreported abuse. If the FBI just told men and boys to report any unwanted sexual contact, bring harsher punishments to their offenders, and provided shelters for male rape victims, then rapes and suicides will decrease altogether. Female rape victims should not get taken less seriously, but male rape victims should get taken more seriously. In fact, rape should get taken seriously with harsh punishments to the rapist regardless of the race, gender, age, martial status, or religion of the offender or victim of the sex crime.

Sources:;;; the-people the-people-who-a#.pqx0av2Eny.


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