Several Puppies Allegedly Died After He Locked Them in a Truck on a Scorchingly Hot Day

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Connecticut authorities
On a hot day, temperatures inside vehicles can quickly spiral out of control - even when humans don't anticipate it.

That was the case for one man and his many dogs in Connecticut. The man had rented a U-Haul truck and allegedly placed multiple puppies inside cages and then locked them in the back of the vehicle. Then, he left them there.

Sign the petition to demand that authorities ban this man from animal ownership and working with animals in the future!

That day, weather in Greenwich, Connecticut culminated in a temperature of 89 degrees Fahrenheit - nearly 90 degrees. On a day where the outside air is 80 degrees, the inside of a car can reach 109 Fahrenheit after 20 minutes, which is high enough to kill an animal or child. We don't know the exact temperature inside this U-Haul van, but we can safely assume that the non-ventilated truck would feel like it was broiling the puppies alive.

And, in fact, that's exactly what happened. Several of the puppies died from the heat shock and exposure.

Someone rushed the remaining pets to an animal hospital, where authorities became aware of the deadly situation. Officials have charged the man in charge of the puppies with seven counts of animal cruelty, but it's immediately clear that he should never be allowed to tend to the well-being of animals again.

Sign the petition to ban this man from adopting, working with, or even living with pets again in the future! Multiple dogs died on his watch from an extremely preventable tragedy. He cannot be trusted with their care again.
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