She videoed herself punching a helpless dog and then posted it on social media...
Add your name if you agree that wicked people like her should never be allowed to own an animal ever again!
The video "shows a young woman wearing a pair of black boxing gloves and repeatedly swinging at a German shepherd.
"The dog appears to bite at the gloves several times, and a man filming says, "We're boxing animals. Where's Sarah McLachlan?" McLachlan's song "Angel" has been featured in advertisements for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
"Near the end of the video, the woman strikes the dog in the side of the head, and the dog yelps.
"The woman can be heard saying, "I hit him so hard I felt that through" before the video cuts off," according to The Idaho Statesman.
What kind of human being would do this to a loyal, loving animal... for fun?
All that poor dog wanted to do was give that evil woman his love.
But all he got in return was unspeakable abuse.
Imagine how confused the dog must have been as she struck him over and over.
And over.
And over.
What would her punishment be, if she's convicted?
A slap on the wrist...
"The Boise City Prosecutor's Office could charge the woman under Idaho statute 25-3518, which addresses "beating and harassing animals." The misdemeanor charge carries a maximum sentence of up to six months and prison and as much as $5,000 in fines," said the same source.
Big whoop.
No matter what happens in her case, what's to stop her from doing the same kind of thing to another animal in the future?
Animal cruelty is never acceptable.
Someone like this must NEVER be allowed around animals again.
That's why we're asking Bernie Sanders to lead a movement in Congress that would make it illegal for convicted animal abusers to own an animal.
He has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.
Don't you want to protect innocent dogs from the likes of this cruel woman who brutally beat her dog for social media?
Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would punish these criminals, and keep defenseless animals out of their cruel clutches, by making it illegal for convicted animal abusers to own a pet ever again!