Recently the RSPCA and the Fire Service had to attend the Silver Jubilee Bridge in Runcorn to release a trapped pigeon. Despite the council stating this was the only bird in 2020 to be trapped we have pictures to show many birds have been trapped and have died in this netting under the bridge. Halton Council need to get this removed asap as more birds will die a long painful death and be suffering. Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, Section 4 (1) it is illegal to cause Unnecessary suffering:
(1)A person commits an offence if—
(a)an act of his, or a failure of his to act, causes an animal to suffer,
(b)he knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the act, or failure to act, would have
(d)the suffering is unnecessary.
We believe to not remove this netting NOW will contravene this Act and will cause further unnecessary suffering to these birds
Update #34 years ago
Thanks to everyone who has signed, this petition is now being handed in to the council on Thursday 18th June. They are still telling people the netting will be removed, we will believe it when we see it, nevertheless, many birds have died and this council are taking no responsibility for that, shameful!
Update #24 years ago
Thanks you so much to everyone who has signed, I will be taking this petition to Halton Borough Council soon, thanks also for the all comments which are very true. Let us get to 2,000! Photographs taken at the weekend show lots of birds dead in the netting,however, as we know, according to Halton Borough Council they died 'of other causes', an insult to all of us!
Update #14 years ago
This problem is not new see:, (Jan 2020)
We are now in June, yet they keep stating the same tired, old comments such as: "We rarely receive reports of tangled birds" and
"it can’t be assumed that those that have been seen had been tangled in the netting".
Really, they must have all died from natural causes then?? Get this netting down and do not treat us like idiots Halton Borough Council!