Give Us These Co-Op Modes For Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV Co-Op Mode

Final Fantasy could really use a Co-Op mode. Sure the game is fun and amazing in single player alone, but haven't you ever wanted to play some ridiculously hard boss battles alongside some of your friends? Surely everyone has thought about the idea of being able to show off your player stats and combat styles with friends. This Co-Op mode could be simple to make & lots of fun.

Now, before you go and say they've already hinted at a Co-Op Mode. This is a petition letting them know just what kind of Co-Op Mode we want. 


Basically, It would be a colliseum type battles similar to the ones in Final Fantasy XIII-2. You and 2-4 friends would join each other in a Pre-Game Lobby and then choose which battle you wish to do. These can be either some of the hardest battles in the Final Fantasy XV game OR completely new bosses made specifically for this mode. 

Once joining the Pre-Game Lobby, players would choose which class they wish to use for the fight ahead. If this Co-Op mode was 4 players, every player could choose the same class OR each player could have a certain role to play in the battle. Lets say you have the highest level healer, then you of course would probably want to choose the role of healer while your other friends choose their best class.

You would use your classes you have leveled up in single player mode OR maybe the Co-Op Mode has its own new set of classes (Warrior, Red Mage, Medic, Black Mage, Sentinel, Ravager, etc.) that you must level up specifically for Co-Op Gameplay.

Each Player will have his or her own ranking for online mode. A simple 1-100 ranking system would suffice OR they could get creative and give a name for each rank. Leveling up would be done same as in single player. At the end of each battle players will recieve a certain amount of exp, which of course, will be used to level up.

(Example Of Exp Gain/Post Battle Screen)

This Co-Op mode should be quite simple to create since its very similar to what they did in Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collisuem mode, just adding in a few more players and a pre game lobby.  


Survival Mode is somewhat similar to the Boss Battles mode, Only in this mode you would face much weaker opponents at first, and have them getting increasingly harder as the battle goes on. 

How it all works - First you start off by facing a small group of enemies, lets say, 4 enemies. Then, once you've defeated them, without any breaks, or pause, a new set of enemies will run on to the battlefield and begin attacking you without hesitation. These enemies will be slightly more difficult than the last set of enemies and may include a lerger number of foes OR just simply enemies with higher stats. 

Over time these enemies will become more varied in class. for example, At first you may only face warrior type enemies for the first few waves, then You'll start seeing a mixture of Warrior & Mage types, then Warrior, Mage, and Healers.

The enemies could become varied in class and numbers. At certain points you could be surrounded by 20 warrior types and 5 healers in the background OR just fewer number of enemies with much higher stats. 

This mode, and every other Co-Op Mode, should have leaderboards as well, I mean how else are your friends supposed to see how high you made in survival mode?

Pre Game Lobby

The Pre game lobby could look somewhat similar to this. You would have a menu up and as soon as players join your game, their avatar or profile picture would pop up.

Here players could edit Weapons, Armor, Items, and even costumes, before starting the battle.

This is just a short example of what the pre game lobby could look like. I'm sure Square Enix would make something much better looking if this Co-Op mode were to happen.  

Other Co-Op Mode Options.

> Different stages for battle. Fighting on the same old stage for every battle could get quite boring. So having a few different options to choose from could keep it interesting. 

> Customizable Online players. These could just be characters we've met in single player mode OR players from previous FF games. Having the option to create your own player in Co-Op mode would require a lot more time on the part of  Square Enix so I think we should stick to characters already made, with maybe the option to change colors of costumes or buy new ones through the use of Microtransactions or Gil earned in-game.

Well, Thats the somewhat simplified version for the Co-Op mode. This mode could HOPEFULLY be launched with the game, but if not, it would definitely be much appreciated if it came in the form of a DLC soon after launch. 

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