He beat a helpless little puppy so bad it almost died!
Add your name if you agree that wicked people like him should never be allowed to own an animal ever again!
"Marvin Javier Lopez, 24, of Millcreek, was charged in 3rd District Court with torture of a companion animal and possession of a firearm by a restricted person, both third-degree felonies.
"On Feb. 7, a man in Lopez's apartment was awakened to the sound of "Lopez beating the small black lab puppy," according to charging documents.
"The man "heard the dog screaming in pain in the bathroom" and later saw the dog was bleeding and there was blood on the walls as well as Lopez's feet, the charges state.
"The man grabbed Lopez's gun that was next to his nightstand "because he was scared of what would happen," and then woke up his niece and left the apartment, according to the charges," reported KSL.com.
What Lopez did to that defenseless little puppy is unspeakable.
"When officers arrived, they found the puppy on the floor "unable to move his hind legs," the chargers state.
"The dog was also lethargic and had a lot of saliva coming from his mouth, the charges state, and was possibly in shock.
"Responding officers stated the puppy was about 5 months old and beaten "nearly to death," according to a police affidavit.
"A veterinarian determined the dog was possibly "choked," however "given the history of being kicked and punched cannot rule out pulmonary contusions as cause," the charges state," according to the same source.
And the worst part, he also abused the poor animal in other obscene ways.
He even got the little animal high on marijuana...
"The vet also found "THC toxicity" in the puppy and police noted there was a "strong odor" or marijuana in Lopez's apartment when he was arrested," reported the same source. THC is the active compound in cannabis.
All that sweet little puppy wanted was to give Marvin Javier Lopez its love.
But all it got was torture and abuse.
It almost died, because of the things Lopez did.
No matter what happens in his case, the day will come when he is released from police custody.
And he may strike again.
Someone like this must NEVER be allowed around animals again.
That's why we're asking Bernie Sanders to lead a movement in Congress that would make it illegal for convicted animal abusers to own an animal.
He has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.
Don't you want to protect innocent dogs from the likes of Marvin Javier Lopez?
Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would punish these criminals, and keep defenseless animals out of their cruel clutches, by making it illegal for convicted animal abusers to own a pet ever again!
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