Don't Let Them Destroy The Misfit Mustangs!!!

  • by: Margot Easley
  • recipient: Lyon County Board of Commissioners , Gov Sandoval, LYON COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX, 27 S. MAIN STREET YERINGTON, NV 89447, Reno, NV

Stagecoach, Nevada is a small high desert valley where descendents of the wild horse bands that appeared in the iconic Movie "The Misfits", the last film for  Marilyn Monroe & Clark Gable; and prompted "Wild Horse Annie" to  fight to save wild mustangs, still roam free. It is one of the few places left in Nevada where a person can see wild horses in their natural environment.  Foals playing,  a band at rest, stallions sparring for mares or the beauty of a herd dashing across the open landscape. But a planned 1400+ houses suburban type development in this rural area will put an end to their freedom.  Lyon County, by allowing greedy developers to eat up their grazing land, filling it with tract homes. Fences and concrete walls will keep the wild horses from their natural water source, the Carson River. The traffic increase of 2500 cars a day will imperil them as they cross roads to get to the river. 
Wild horses need land to live on. They cover 40 miles a day easily. Old lead mares teach them where to find water. They subsist on cheatgrass and brush, helping to remove wildfire fuel. Old and weak ones help feed coyotes, cougers, foxes, eagles, hawks and other predators. They are part of this high desert environment. They have been here longer than humans, now human greed is driving them out. PLEASE HELP US SAVE THEM!

Your signature will help ensure that no development will be allowed in the area of Stagecoach, Nevada unless Lyon County guarantees that there are  endowments of large open areas for these wild horses as well as functional natural trails for them to migrate through the valley to the Carson River included in any planned development.  

Let your kindness extend beyond your signature —  please help spread this petition via e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter so it reaches a larger audience than my small circle of influence.  These beautiful creatures and our unique desert valley need all the help they can get. Thank you.

Update #17 years ago
The developer is trying hard to present tbis development as a benefit but traffic will increase by 2y,000 cars a day on Hwy 50, Edna her I g the lives of these iconic living relics of the frontier days!
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