European minister and laws for animal welfare!
It is high time for a joint approach against all animal suffering in Europe!
An example is the Dutch farmer A. Straathof. In Germany, he received a national professional ban because of proven animal abuse.
Despite this, he is allowed in countries such as Hungary, Romania and The Netherlands to build one stable after another.
The texts are Dutch but the images speak all languages!
* Schweinebaron Straathof - Der grausame Alltag bei Europas ...
Videoaufnahme dokumentieren die grausamen Zustände bei einem der größten Schweinezüchter Europas.
We need a ban on factory farms.
Companies that are no longer allowed to test on animals in certain countries simply deviate to other countries.
There must be a common ban on mistreatments that fall under the name of cultural heritage, such as bullfighting!
Joint animal-friendly approach of stray dogs and cats.
European ban on fur farms and import fur.
Animal welfare and environmental well-being are closely related.
Unfortunately, I can continue to do this even longer, but this short summary gives you an idea of the need of a minister and laws for animal and environment welfare.