Ban the slaughtering of all animals without Stunning NOW

    Lord Gardiner has stated that he respects the rights of Muslim and Jewish communities to consume meat in accordance with their religious practices! WHAT ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF ANIMALS? As PETA states animal welfare should come before religion. We are living in the 21st century NOT THE 12th!! In 1936 the UK brought in laws to protect animals being slaughtered from suffering. How is it that this country has allowed these people to live in our country and not respect our laws. Please make a stand now and protest at every supermarket and shop selling meat produced in such a cruel and wicked way. Our Government panders to the minorities and will not make a stand for animals. DEFRA is just as bad and the RSPCA have no chance in court. The British people (non Muslim & Jewish) need to take back control before its too late and I say this in the name of animals who feel pain and suffering just as much as we do.
    Update #17 years ago
    Thank you everyone who has signed and cares enough for animals. Can I ask you to go to and donate what you can to help them as they are being sued by the Halal Food people! Can you believe it? I despair for our country and despair for animals. . I would call these people animals but that wouldn't be right at all, they are savages, ignorant and a long way from God!
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