Birds of prey such as hen harriers are persecuted illegally by many in the grouse shooting industry across the UK. This is because the gamekeepers want the grouse to be shot by people who pay to do it for "sport", and don't want birds of prey to eat them. As a result of raptor persecution,
hen harriers are critically endangered and at risk of becoming extinct in England and Wales. However, it's very difficult to prove who killed the bird, so there are very few prosecutions.

In Scotland, the laws protect raptors much better than in England and Wales. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in Scotland includes the "Vicarious Liability Law" which means that landowners can be held responsible, charged and prosecuted if a dead bird of prey is found on their land. This law needs to be expanded to England and Wales, to act as a deterrent to the illegal persecution of birds of prey, and enable successful prosecutions of those responsible.
Please sign my petition to DEFRA to demand that raptor persecutors face consequences not just in Scotland, but in England and Wales too.