I recently watched a documentary called "Blood Lions" and I could NOT believe what I was watching, or that this was even happening. The documentary exposes "canned" hunting which is any form of trophy hunting where hunters shoot trophy animals within confined areas ensuring they had no or little chance of escape. And today, canned hunting is widespread in South Africa were large numbers of wild animals are being bred in captivity specifically to be shot. This practice is also popular in TEXAS using exotic animals of all different types. You can go on these so-called "animal conservation" websites and look at pictures of the lions they have available and then choose the one you want to "hunt" you then make the trip South Africa and they will have that lion ready for you to kill in a small confined area (no chance of escape) I must add they are also baited with meat as well. The other HUGE issue at hand is that these animals are mass bred in captivity for the sole purpose of being killed once someone picks their picture online. In South Africa there are currently between 6 000 and 8 000 predators in captivity, the vast majority of them lions. Most live in appalling conditions with inadequate protocols in place to protect them or regulate either their welfare or the genetic integrity of their bloodlines. The breeders of these animals claim they are involved in conservation, educational and research initiatives and that the captive bred population will be the saviour of wild lions. Please HELP end this unsportsmanlike, cruel, and unethical practice now!