Let our kids return to Leander ISD campuses!

Help us fight to get our kids back on Leander campuses. The Leander Independent School District (LISD) asked parents multiple times what they would feel comfortable with for the 2020-2021 school year. There were several surveys and board meetings with community comments asking what we want, and parents spoke up! In the initial survey, 46% of parents indicated that they wanted in-person learning, and 82% of teachers wanted back in the classroom with their kids. In a more recent survey asking about the phased in plan, even more parents and teachers spoke up saying they prefer to get our kids on campus. Despite the overwhelming feedback from parents and teachers wanting in-person learning, the LISD Board of Trustees passed a motion to approve the phased in plan, leaving it up to the LISD administration to make the final decision.

We are here to show the LISD administration that parents are tired of not being listened to. Virtual learning is not working for our children. Kids who once thrived in school are failing and feeling anxiety about their learning. We feel comfortable with putting our children back in school. We know that most teachers feel comfortable teaching again, so the phased in plan is unnecessary and presents various challenges for most households. We need to get our kids back to school.

Leander ISD did a really good job of giving a choice to those who felt uncomfortable or unsafe sending their kids back to school. We are just asking that they give those who who do feel comfortable and want their children to start in-person learning that same choice. We are committed to fighting for our children and their education.

Please sign the petition to indicate you are in favor of returning ALL kids that have opted for in-person learning to the LISD campuses as soon as possible, rather than the phased in approach recently approved by the LISD Board of Trustees.

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