URGENT – Don't Drill Off Our Coasts! Last Day to Comment!

Donald Trump has come up with yet another plan to line the pockets of his Big Oil and Big Gas buddies. A proposal released on January 4 would allow offshore drilling for oil and natural gas in nearly all U.S. waters.

This is the largest area of offshore oil and natural gas reserves owned by the U.S. ever offered to global energy companies.

The plan, introduced by Interior Secretary Zinke, would radically expand offshore drilling in new areas of the Atlantic, Arctic, Gulf of Mexico and Pacific waters. Under the 5-year plan, a whopping 90 percent of the nation's offshore reserves would be open to leasing between 2019 and 2024 — including protected areas where oil and gas exploration is opposed by thousands of communities and lawmakers from coast to coast.

This is completely unacceptable. The Trump administration should turn away from the decision to expand reckless, unnecessary offshore drilling, which puts the interests of global energy companies first, and puts America and marine life dead last.

Please sign if you agree that this is a dangerous plan and must be abandoned immediately. Tell Trump and Zinke that you don't want drilling off our coasts! 

Update #17 years ago
Opposition to Trump's plan for more drilling and spilling is working! Florida was just pulled from the plan. Keep the pressure on and share the petition right now!
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