2 weeks ago Nova my 8 month old puppy got attacked at a local county show by an aggressive dog (a 4 year old masstiff cross) that has attacked more then once. Nova has had to have energamcy vet care. While the owner of the agreesive dog that bite her grabbed there dog and ran off taking no responsibility! They refused to take responsibility so i had to contact the police as what if it was a smaller dog or god forbid a child :(.
After the police was cobtacted they came to my address and broke in and attacked me while my two young children where in my house cryjng and scared. After more dealings with the police and many statments given and witnesses to both accounts. They have been let off scott free!!!! Because of NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE.
Zuez (the agressive dog) has been giving an order to be muzzeled and on lead when out in public at all times. Out of spite they have demanded Nova have the same order!!
So not only have they got away with everything, me and nova the victims have now been given an order out of spite to wear a muzzel and be on a lead at all times the rest of her life! she literally did nothing and is only a puppy!!
While Nova has a huge hole in her leg and all the vet proof and witnesses i refused to sign it so now i have to go to court to fight for her innocence and freedom!
Nova is an 8 month old akita puppy and is a show dog i have been showing since 10 weeks old. she goes training twice and week and lives woth 2 young children, 5 cats and my elderly akita. she is extreamly dog friendly and playong with 100s of dogs every week at dog shows.
This is a petition for all the people who have ever met Nova or want to help in my cause i can take with me to court to Demand justice fir an innocent puppy that hasnt done a single thing wrong apart from be attacked and never fort back in the slightest. To fight selfish horrible spitefull people.
All surport is welcome!!