Revoke Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran without Congressional approval

UPDATE: After breaking America's promises by reneging on the internationally negotiated Iran deal, President Trump has taken his provocations of war to a dangerous new level with the assassination of  Iran's General Qasem Soleimani, labeled an act of war by much of the international community. It is more important than ever that Congress take away Trump's power to wage war unilaterally.


In a move that has – once again - set the international community on edge, Trump took to Twitter to lob an "all caps" threat to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

And the Rouhani transgression that elicited such a hysterical response? While speaking with Iranian diplomats, Rouhani warned the U.S. against taking hostile action that could lead to war with Iran, encouraging peace instead.

"America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars," he said.

Instead of exploring further the virtues of diplomacy, Trump opted to beat his chest from the safety of his keyboard.

Most frighteningly, his threats are not unsubstantiated. While Congress alone has the authority to declare war, that ability has recently been all but surrendered to the executive branch using an unrelated authorization.

The Authorization for Use of Military Force gives the president the power to use military force against "those who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons." While that may have served as justification after 9/11, Trump could still cite the 2001 AUMF as authority to launch a strike on Iran.

Now is the time for Congress to retake its constitutional authority to declare war. The framers of the Constitution granted this authority solely to the legislative branch so that too few - or in this case, one - would not wield too much power. And that is truer today than ever before.

Add your name to ensure Congress stand up in the face of this constitutional crisis – before it's too late.

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