A neighbor here in Texas has taken it upon herself to attempt to have Bailey named as a "dangerous animal".
This would mean that after taking Bailey away for 10 days - up to several weeks and an in-depth court process, we would have to post signs all over our property to beware of our dangerous dog, deadbolt our fence to keep children from accidentally coming in contact with her, walk her with a muzzle at all times, pay annual fees for owning a dangerous animal, register her with images to our address (like a sex offender) ... among many other things.
So, if you ever ever witnessed Bailey interacting in public, with children, with other dogs in a way that is obviously not "dangerous" and would be willing to speak to Animal Control (if they choose to reach out to you), we would appreciate you leaving a brief statement and contact info here.
I know that for many people that have ever met Bailey, this seems ridiculous, but this is apparently something that we have to take seriously. So, any assistance would be appreciated.