He spends every day alone, tethered to a heavy chain. No food, no water and no shelter. In hot summer sun and cold harsh winters he is by himself covered in flies and fly bites where the flies have laid their eggs. He is alone. No one to care to for him and no one to show him the love he deserves. But you can help him and all the others like him.
Today there is no state law in Tennessee to protect dogs from living their entire lives tethered to heavy chains and exposed to harsh winters and sweltering southern summer sun without shelter, food or water. This sweet boy and all the others like him have no hope that their life will ever change. Their eyes are empty and full of despair. Tell Gov Haslam that every dog, should have at minimum access to shelter and clean water at all times, free from being enslaved on a chain. These dogs have no hope and are alone and isolated unable to run and often unable to walk more than a few inches.
Tell Gov. Haslam it's time to lead the south in animal rights by providing the most basic care to all dogs, no chains, adequate housing and shelter, clean water and access to food. Enslaving a dog in chains is shameful and akin to a shameful southern past of enslaving it's people in chains. It's time to end the shame and lead the way to the new South. No more chains.