This Man Was Caught Abusing a Dog on Camera

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Cobb County Police Department

A deeply disturbing incident has come to light in Cobb County where a man was caught on camera verbally and physically abusing a dog. The footage shows the man striking and eventually kicking the dog outside an apartment door. Mandatory counseling for animal abusers is crucial, as it not only addresses their immediate behavior but also helps prevent the escalation of violence, which often extends from animal cruelty to domestic abuse.

Sign this petition to demand a thorough investigation by Cobb County Animal Services and the local police, and to hold the perpetrator accountable!

The video reveals the dog cowering in fear, a clear sign of repeated mistreatment. Such behavior towards animals is often linked to other forms of violence. Identifying the abuser is not just about animal welfare – it's about community safety.

Residents of Cobb County are outraged, and rightfully so. This act of cruelty not only causes immediate harm to the animal but indicates a deeper, ongoing issue of abuse. We must ensure this behavior is not overlooked and that justice is served. 

By signing this petition, you are standing with concerned citizens of Cobb County in demanding swift and decisive action.

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