Would you believe in this day and age, there is still NO law about chaining dogs in your yard in 28 states, including mine? Some counties have laws, but over 50% of GA residents still live in areas that DO NOT, including Sox' owner.
Six other dogs that were suffering from neglect were removed from Sox' residence. However, the owner would not relinquish Sox b/c he'd had him for 12 yrs. TWELVE YEARS living on a big stupid chain. It hurt our hearts to take his 'kids' off; they were the only regular interaction Sox had.
We asked the county to visit – they have twice and do NOT find any cruelty or neglect. Take a look at the pictures and see if you agree. We've shared that the other dogs removed were underweight and riddled w/ parasites -- and the only reason he's had food to offer Sox is because a large supply was left there for him. The owner does not drive, so it is far fetched for him to get Sox to the vet as promised the last two times he was visited.
This is just ONE of the egregious situations we encounter in rescue every day and if we continue to let counties get by with doing a poor job of defining creulty and neglect, then dogs like Sox will never get their day in the sun.
If you would like to help us encourage Warren County and the owner to free Sox, please sign this petition. I will present it to the county officials on Friday, on which day they will visit a third time to see if he's taken the dog to the vet to at least be relieved of parasites and other ailments.
Update #26 years ago
From County Official: On 4-21-18, Deputy did another visit and found that Skillman had taken the dog to the vet, a checkup, rabies and heart worm check was completed. Copies are in the file with his reports. Dog had adequate shelter, a clean water bowl and food bowl with drain hole. The owner has complied with all requests, and the deputy found no evidence of cruelty or neglect. We have reviewed this investigation with the DA’s Office and determined the investigation to be closed.
Update #16 years ago
I just shared this petition with our county contact for Sox. We were last told that Sox would be visited this past Friday (for the 3rd time) to see if he had been taken to vet and had food/water. One of our volunteers emailed for a report, but did not get a reply. We'll follow up again Monday. If Sox is relinquished, his first stop would be the vet and he'd then go into a foster or adoptive home. If you'd be interested in either, please email adopt@doggieharmony.org. Thanks all!