Bring This Dog Home! Justice for Romeo!

  • by: diana kolaski
  • recipient: Sean Reyes, Attorney General in the state of Utah, and Kwame Raoul, Attorney General in the state of Illinois.

Sweet and loving Romeo was stolen from home during an unlawful entry. A beautiful cat was killed in this incident also. Please let the states attorney general, in Utah and Illinois, know that Romeo has not been given up on! Demand Romeo's return and justice for cats Kitty and Furby. Don't let these animal abusing bullies get away with violating our civil rights. This home was entered unlawfully and my property cruelly destroyed. People who abuse animals are known to be 5 times more likely to harm another human being. Animal abuse is violent destructive criminal behavior. President Trump signed the PACT Act into law, in 2019 - animal abuse is a crime! All that needs to happen is for the Attorney General to press charges, so we can give Romeo back his home! Justice for Kitty, Furby, and Romeo! Don't let animal abusing bullies win.

Update #44 years ago
Please keep signing and sharing! The Attorney Generals office here is closed until at least July 1st because of the virus and the anti=brutality riots. Since beginning these petitions, I've been threatened with eviction - we need to get this done. I'm thrilled with all the signatures and comments, let's not give up now. More signing and sharing please! Keep companion animals and their humans safe in their homes! Sign & Share! Email this petition to your animal loving friends and family members!
Update #34 years ago
Only a couple of more weeks to go, and then I have to close these petitions. I love your comments, please keep sharing; I would love so many more signatures. Don't leave animals defenseless!
Update #24 years ago
How wonderful that there are so many signers. Thank you so much. Please keep signing and sharing for these petitions for Romeo. Not much time left to get justice for these animals.
Update #14 years ago
This dog might still be in serious danger! Please don't give up on sweet little Romeo - share this petition, and thank you for your signatures!
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