(The American Healthcare)

  • by: Roger C
  • recipient: Pres. Donald Trump
03/28/2017 A.D.
Ted Koppel. I want to address him as Jack-in-the-Box, why if you wind up his box with enough money. He will pop up and twisted and turned until the truth is no longer recognize by order of the new world order. As though he has never been kind on nationwide TV reporting a lie or trying to manipulate the truth to suit the situation. How far back in history, do we have to go in America to find a news media a news reporter with integrity that reported the truth, the way it was not the way he's being paid to report it? There is news reporters and there's commentators. Opinions, not news reporters is just my opinion. Or better yet is the opinion of money. News can we fake news? We seen reporters stand before a green screen and active though they were in the middle of a battle or someplace in the world, while never leaving the office. So can we trust what our eyes and ears are hearing? I learned as a young boy you can't trust anybody, not even your mother or your father. That is such a terrible thing to say but did they take you there was a Santa Claus did they tell you there was an Easter bunny to dictate you there was a fairy that would give you money for exchange for your teeth, you put under your pillow? But these were not lies or was it just parents trying to carry on traditions of hundreds of years. I wonder why the 10 Commandments along with the house shall not kill. God put a phrase, thou shall not bear false witness. Could it be because of the absolute destruction. It could calls in the minds of children to manipulate them to grow up believing it's okay to lie or bear false witness under the right circumstances? Right now the world is in turmoil, the United States is facing one of the worst periods of our history since the beginning of any civilized nation on earth ever. What do I mean? We are $20 trillion in debt we are bankrupt our infrastructure is crumbling the world around us is at war, like it did not the war was declared on 911 WW3. Day after day after day, Washington DC our elected officials, taking money from the taxpayer to do a job for the taxpayer on making America the greatest nation that can possibly be created under the circumstances we are facing. Somehow they get the Washington DC and the new world order lackeys take them aside slapped him across the face and tell them you're going to do what we tell you weren't a for your pockets with money and you will both the way we say, not the way you were elected to do. We are your bosses not the taxpayers. So how can this happen. It's been going on for years a slow process of multibillionaire's who after receiving sentries of brainwashing by men like Albert Pike, who conceived a new world order under the rule of Lucifer. We see the move they made upon the United States at a place called Jekyll Island, where they conspired to overtake the finances of the United States through the Federal Reserve, which is privately owned. The Star Wars after war after war because wars are profitable you long money to finance the war you loan money for the weapons and you charge interest to the stupidity of the nation without eyes and ears. They say justice is blind. I say it's time to take the binder off. The Democratic Party knows beyond a doubt how corrupt Obama care is going broke. Some states no insurance. The price going up up up doctors and hospitals refusing to accept it. While the United States Congress and government has the best insurance coverage with their families. America must rise up true Americans that means a civil war, so be it is better than the complete destruction of our country. An insurance policy for America should be called the American healthcare. (The American Healthcare) not Obama care not Donald Trump care. These are labels we cannot tolerate. We base taxes on income because this is fair to the poor, uneducated Americans. The elderly, the disabled, and so on. Healthcare for all Americans should be the same insurance policy from the president to the poor, disabled veteran who is now homeless forgot. The cost must be affordable to all. The cost of low income it would be at poverty level 0 at middle class above minimum wage a percentage they can afford the rich man as the pay scale goals up with pay more for the insurance. The cost of medical insurance in America must be monitored closely, because they are if these on every corner pharmaceuticals are out walls that must be put in jail $500 for one pill to $5000 appeal is total robbery, theft. All people in America who are certified Americans not illegal immigrants Americans only would be entitled to the new(The American Healthcare) let's say you work for a Fortune 500 Corporation the pie they cut up contains your wages your 401(k) your stock options and they include full payment of your insurance that Corporation would deftly get a tax write off for paying for your insurance. Any corporation with 100 or more employees who pays their employees insurance hundred percent would get tax write off. The little companies would not be paying their employees that much money they would be low income most likely they could not pay employers insurance so they could latch onto the government program that every government employee every military veteran, active and inactive has the same policy and pay the percentage according to their wages called(The American Healthcare). Or the Democrats and Republicans can keep going down the road of destruction and we can watch America self destruct. Just like Rome.
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