I have been searching about restrictions for certain breeds when it comes to rental properties and have found that the majority of the time the restrictions are not the landlords but the insurance company they go through and it is just not fair for the bigger breeds to be discriminated against and not all. I have 2 pitbulls and neither are aggressive both have their own personality one is hyper and loves being loved the other is calm cool and collective loves cuddles and to sleep and they both have been around kids on and off for their entire life and has never hurt one. A lot of the people that I know also have pitbulls most all have been raised around kids not one has ever "turned" on them. The solution to this would be to get rid of breed restrictions and come up with a new system have animals take some kind if aggression tests or meet with them it is not fair that Sally with the Yorkie gets a place to live but Lucy with the pitbull has to struggle to find a place to live or give up her fur baby for a place to live.