What is going on in Mason City Schools? ?!
This a request to the Mason City school board to add an item to their next schoolboard agenda to demand the school board take action on removing pornographic books from public schools and they inform parents of the related policies.
You must be a resident of Mason City School district for your signature to count.
This will be an opportunity for the school board to inform parents of:
1. The process of instructional materials selection
2. Options parents have to "Object to instructional materials" and
"Prohibit a student from checking out specific library materials"
3. Internet safety and filters; how they work
This includes policies 605.1 through 605.7-R (1).
Residents of Mason City will have the opportunity to sign in and speak to the school board.
This petition also includes a request for the meeting to be held in the FEMA room to accommodate a larger number of people interested in these issues.
i will be signing in and speaking to the school board. thanks for your help in making Mason City residents aware of this issue.