Cruelty to animals is unforgivable no matter what, but especially so when it is utterly pointless.
"Staff at the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT) have confessed they made up the results ... former staff at the LPT said the results of animal experiments had been falsified with the knowledge of senior managers," reported one news source.
World-renowned expert on Chimpanzees, Dr. Jane Goodall, said after seeing video of conditions in the facility: "the footage shows some of the worst abuse I've ever seen on testing with animals.
"Some of the monkeys were lying huddled on the wire floor of their tiny prisons, while others showed stereotypic behavior, turning in circles, pacing fast, back and forth indicative of extremely high levels of stress. Some cowered at the approach of a human, showing pronounced fear response and sometimes screaming.
"Each monkey had a metal collar around the neck. Some shots showed monkeys forced to stand upright, legs tied together, and arms outstretched, virtually crucified. One shot showed a monkey's mouth being forced open while a tube was pushed down into the stomach and liquid injected into the tube."
This isn't happening in some remote part of the Third World. This is happening in the European Union.
A former staff member had this to say about what they witnessed at one facility: "Tests were carried out with potential dangerous substances, particularly bad for the environment. In one study with rats, which resulted in many horrific deaths, the results were falsified. A lower dosage then brought the desired results."
In other words, the data being collected from this inhumane treatment isn't even doing science any good, because the legitimacy of results cannot be trusted.
Don't you want to stop this cruel, heartless practice of using animals to test dangerous substances?
Then add your name to demand that Tiina Astola, Director-General of the EU Justice and Consumers Commission; and Veronique Wasbauer, Director of the EU Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency; take appropriate action within the European Union Parliament to shut down the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology NOW!