The stray animals are homeless and faced with a lot of hardships and " inhuman" behaviour of the "human beings". It's high time now. Everyday i see some or the other animal dying . Be it the crackers we burst on our festivals or the cars we drive..they all are hurting these innocent souls for no apparent reason. What have they done? Can't they just lead a normal life? Without injuries and starvation? Visiting the highways of india is like a terror for me. Lifeless dogs and cows are lying without any help.. scattered into pieces for days and days until they rot. It is really sad and hurtful. What are we humans doing? They sound of these crackers isn't a joyful thing for me as it includes the cries of the street dogs. And the thing is nobody bothers. Is this what we live for? They too have the right to live peacefully and i hope you stand in support for this cause. It's time to be "human". These strays need shelters, where they can get food or water, so that they may not have to face the dangers of car accidents, fire-crackers, abusive peoples, etc.