Dear President of Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (BPAFFC):
By sending this petition, we hope it conveys how much we hope for a positive relationship with China. It's our belief that both the West and the East have cultural elements that if shared, could strengthen ties between the regions. Specifically, we know that many parts of China and many Western nations agree that the practice of eating dog meat is harmful to any modern nation's reputation, hurtful to dog owners, weakens the pet and related industries and poses a dangerous risk to people's health.
We have seen the progress China has made in this area. However, the infamous Yulin dog meat "festival" and the intensive media coverage it receives around the world negatively affects China's image internationally. Many hold the erroneous belief that Yulin is what China is like. We believe, if your office were to initiate the first steps toward ending the Yulin dog meat festival and ultimately, the dog meat industry, China would receive immeasurable goodwill from all parts of the world.
Therefore, we respectfully ask if you would consider scheduling a meeting between us, your office, and Yulin officials in the near future, so we can work together to find a win-win solution.
Paul Fong, Director of International Policies, Duo Duo Project
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