Revoke the passport of "pastor", charged with crimes against humanity

  • by: Samuel Thiel
  • recipient: Department of State of the United States of America

Scott Lively, an evangelical "pastor" from Springfield MA, USA who is infamous for his rabid homophobia, has been traveling the world fomenting hate toward LGBTQ people and encouraging leaders such as Vladimir Putin and Yoweri Musaveni (president of Uganda) to either make new laws against homosexuality or to make existing legislation more severe. This has reached a new low in Uganda with the signing of a law that makes even simply knowing a homosexual, and not denouncing her or him, punishable with a prison sentence. A homosexual act or marrying a person of the same sex can lead to life in prison. This is inhumane, unjust and evidence that Mr. Lively's activities must be curtailed in the future. How many more countries have to begin persecuting their own citizens because of whom they love before action is taken? Scott Lively has been charged with crimes against humanity by a federal judge. The preliminary hearings will not take place, however, before 2015. In the meantime Mr. Lively can continue his hate mongering unimpaired. This cannot be in the interest of the United States. Please sign this petition to the Department of State of the United States of America to revoke Scott Lively's passport and travel privileges until after his trial, and help to stop the spread of hate. 

To the Department of State of the United States of America. We the undersigned, wish for you to review the legal aspects of allowing a US citizen who is charged with crimes against humanity to travel outside the borders of the United States. This refers specifically to Scott Lively who is among those responsible for actively encouraging legislation against the rights of minorities and fomenting hate including hate crimes in several countries including the Russian Federation and Uganda. Thank you for your time.

Update #310 years ago
Now we are seeing that Scott Lively holds the LGBTQ community responsible for the crisis in the Ukraine. This would be laughable if he did not have so many deluded followers! Let's get behind this movement to restrict his travels. There should be a way to make it clear that free speech and hate propaganda are not the same thing! Please send the URL of this petition to your friends and all those who wish to stop the spread of bigotry and hate.
Update #210 years ago
Please share this message with your friends on the social networks and in the non-virtual world. These evangelical hate preachers are still going about creating anti-equality sentiment all over the world. No country is safe from them. The rise in violent crimes against LGBTQ people here in Germany is a direct result of the medial coverage of the new legislations in Africa and Russia.
Update #110 years ago
Here is an article from the Washington Post about the charge of crimes against humanity made against Mr. Lively. It is discouraging to read that he may have the better argument in this case...all the more reason to stop him from traveling.
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