Lions and other big cats are being hunted each year for sport called trophy hunting which is legal in many countries. The number of lions and big cats that are being killed each year is 600 Lions each year in an article called " How rich Americans tourist legally kill hundreds of lions each year" by The Independent author Ingraham Christopher he wrote " Given that there are only about 30,000 lions left in Africa, this represents an annual loss of roughly 2 percent of the total lion population to legal hunting, and a considerably larger share of the population of healthy adult male lions, which hunters typically prize..". many of the lions and big cats don't have a full life due to the hunting's that are happening each year which is legal in many countries one of the countries that is legal to kill is in the UK. Lions and many other animals for example elephants, giraffes, rhinos' and many more are becoming extinction due to trophy hunting being legal in many countries.